Things the pandemic has taught us.

Million’s life changed forever when the coronavirus struck. Here i am trying to put in a few brighter sides of the pandemic or better to say the opportunities we can avail from it.

The experience of 2020 was tough but it also held many lessons.“What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger” the very wise words of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche sounds true. The COVID-19 is probably one of the most exigent events in human history and it has unthinkably changed our lifestyles. But not all the adjustments and changes brought in by the lockdown were bad. We may eventually do away with the face masks, social distancing and certain other norms, but the good habits acquired during the situation are worth  maintaining for lifetime.

Maintaining health and hygiene.     Our health and survival is in our hands. From washing our hands frequently, showering regularly, staying indoors for safety, keeping ourselves and surroundings clean to sanitizing surfaces, we really understood how critical hygiene was and went to great lengths to stay clean. Good habits like these helped in protecting not only ourselves but being mindful about protecting others too.

Caring for others. Challenging times offer a great opportunity for social bonding and other ways of connecting to and helping people. Of course, not being able to visit friends or family has increased isolation and feelings of loneliness in some cases. But the feeling of “we’re in this together” has also triggered interesting ways of connecting. In the individualized societies many of us live in, this provides opportunities to reconnect and create more social coherence. Not only during the crisis, but also afterwards. Along with these new initiatives we also witnessed how far people weng to protect themselves and their kins.

Prioritizing self-careWe were quick to understand that by taking precautions, staying safe and healthy we also kept our families and communities safe. Self-care became a priority and equipped us better to get through this difficult time. Simple things like eating healthy and nutritious food for better immunity, some physical activity, getting sufficient sleep, reaching out to close friends/family for emotional and practical support, etc saw us through.

Appreciating solitudeFinally, the virus has taught us the benefits of silence and solitude so that we can look into ourselves and explore the deeper recesses of our consciousness. We are so involved in superficial activities that we seldom get time to look within.

Enjoying a hobby. Some discovered new hobbies while others continued what they liked doing earlier. Having ample time in our hands and staying in the comfort of our home we tried hands on baking, gardening, online courses, yoga, and so on. The days spent in lockdown gave us the perfect time with no excuse to dig into what we had procrastinated over for ages. It made us rediscover ourselves, develop or hone skills and get immense satisfaction from a particular hobby. Pursuing hobbies are good habits to nurture.

Consuming with consideration. COVID-19 has taught us that calamity can derail even the best-laid plans without notice. It has shown us how plans for various areas of our lives – from home renovations to family vacations, and retirement plans might change overnight. We must have budget plans and options to sew any ifs and buts. Yet, the good news is that if you learn from what you’re facing right now, you’ll be able to crest any future downturn with more confidence and certainty.

In all we have learnt that life is short & uncertain. All we can do is take deep breaths & brace yourself to face whatever comes our way. The best laid out plans can fail, the strongest can lay weak, the families can fall apart, we must embrace what we have, who we have & how we can keep them. Take care of yourself & our loved ones. This is Gunjan signing off. Love & peace ✌

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