I have stopped tolerating people. Here are a few reasons why you should too.

Today’s topic is an absolute most interesting topic because we all have to deal with toxic people. People can be a real pain in you-know-what. So let’s take a look at the difficulty that people offer us & how they behave with us. Well don’t make assumptions that i am going to talk how terribleContinue reading “I have stopped tolerating people. Here are a few reasons why you should too.”

Every two seconds someone googles depression. Have you too?

First & foremost how many of us are aware when our minds are disturbed? Do we know how we get disturbed? How do we respond to an unstable state of mind? Do we check it on a regular basis or just realise it when it is clear from our behaviour & words. These words canContinue reading “Every two seconds someone googles depression. Have you too?”

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